The Knights of Columbus, Santa Clarita Assembly #2421, is hosting its 20th Annual Golf Tournament. Assembly #2421 consists of Knights of Columbus Councils from the Santa Clarita
and San Fernando Valleys. The Assembly #2421 is headquartered through St. Clare Church in Canyon Country and is a nonprofit (501c3) organization.

This year's golf tournament fundraiser will be held on Monday, May 8, 2023, at The Oaks Club (Tournament Players Course) in Valencia, California. Through this golf tournament, we will be able to raise funds to continue our assistance with the local Veteran’s Administration facility, Desert Refuge for Peace Officers & Military Personnel, the Wounded Warrior Project, and the Hometown Hero Project. We have also contributed to the monument at the Veteran’s Historical Plaza in Newhall, and Bridge to Home of Santa Clarita.

Your contribution will assist in generating the charity funds raised in the annual golf tournament. Thank you in advance for your support and donation. Your participation will help make this event a success.

The entry fee for our tournament this year is $250. If you sign up a foursome by April 10, 2023, you will get a discount of $100, so sign up soon! Please click on the buttons below to sign up today. If you have any questions, please contact Sal Torres.

God bless!

Golf Ticket
Foursome Golf ($100 off if you sign up before April 10!)
Tee Sponsor
Tee Sponsor & Four Golf Tickets ($100 off if you sign up before April 18!)
Additional Dinner